Title: Aug 06, 2014 - Tommy Pistol, Mr. Pete, John Strong, Owen Gray, Daisy Ducati and Gage
Duration: 01:07:27
File size: 739 Mb
Format: mp4
Gage is a married man walking, but before he says his vows, his good friend Tommy Pistol has made a vow of his own. Tommy is going to give Gage the night of his life. To get the job done right, Tommy hires a stripper, but little does Gage know, this is NO ordinary stripper, it's the epic Daisy Ducati, and she's up for more than just the pole! Rough sex, throat fucking, choking, humiliation, anal pounding, DP, double vag, fisting, squirting, & Bukkake! The institution of marriage has nothing on us.
Title: Aug 06, 2014 - Tommy Pistol, Mr. Pete, John Strong, Owen Gray, Daisy Ducati and Gage
Duration: 01:07:27
File size: 739 Mb
Format: mp4
Gage is a married man walking, but before he says his vows, his good friend Tommy Pistol has made a vow of his own. Tommy is going to give Gage the night of his life. To get the job done right, Tommy hires a stripper, but little does Gage know, this is NO ordinary stripper, it's the epic Daisy Ducati, and she's up for more than just the pole! Rough sex, throat fucking, choking, humiliation, anal pounding, DP, double vag, fisting, squirting, & Bukkake! The institution of marriage has nothing on us.