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Mar 8, 2014
Pink - Perfect Pink

"Perfect Pink Dog Fucking..."


Some more yummy Pink for you lucky Petfans :)
Our Planet might not be perfect. But it's Ours. When you look at Her right, She is perfect. But you didn't come here to listen to that shit. You came, for example, because Ms. Pink's scrummy magical little Pooch Cooch might be something you'd like to see. I'll get on with it then.
But since you brought it up. on the topic of the LadyBox.

In the real world - it's OK to sell your brains - for example, as an corporate lawyer. It's OK to sell your soul - maybe as an arms dealer, politician, banker or Rock n Roll star. It's OK to sell your flesh - as a fashion model, lingerie, swimwear, catwalk - or perhaps to promote a particular motor vehicle. Ballet, gymnastics, athletes, Little Miss Sunshine. Or, be a Hollywood star, and pull your buttons out, for artistic purposes. That's all acceptable. If I'm ranting, just scroll sue me :)
It's OK to sell your perspiration - for minimum wage, in the back of some restaurant, or some fulfillment center, or some other great place.

You can sell your integrity, maybe as a journalist making up bullshit about people for a living. You can sell your sperm, your eggs, your children for adoption. Or as cannon fodder. You can sell your life working 9 to 5 - paying often up to 80% general total tax, meaning for each 5 years you work - you actually get paid for 1.
You can sell all of that, no problem. That's all fine. In life you have to use what you've got to get what you want. Whatever talents or skills you may have, in order to survive. That's what they taught us right?
However should you decide to sell that 1 bit of you that The Man has a problem with? Oh dear.
Use that 1 thing that's all you - your pleasures, the thing you might use to give a bit of comfort to some other, maybe put a bit of food on the table for you and your family? Sell that 1 part and you're no good.
It's OK for the Orange Munchkin Prez to grab @ it and still remain Prez - just don't try to sell it, or they'll be on you like those Twin Towers. Going as far as dressing up as you, pretending to sell that bit, to bust lonely people for being lonely. Some kinda dog and pony act.

Our females might bust Her Ladyballs for 6 years getting a Law degree, if She's lucky enough to have the right friends - can be protecting seedy little corporate interests for $500 an hour, if She is good. A high-end Escort Lady can make the same, with none of the above red tape, costs, ass-kissing, loss of independence, or integrity. It's not like there's low-demand for those Ladytalents. Brain, vagina - does it really matter which part of you you're selling? It's still you. What - Lawyer Chix don't fuck? I know they do.
Those goodies always have some value. In a social experimental study of monkeys, White-coaters taught monkeys the concept of money. Exchanging tokens for bananas etc. Having gotten their heads around your money, the first thing male monkeys did, was take their tokens and pay for pussy. They're animals. They're not stupid.
In a world where The Man says the sex is bad of course selling your sex will be bad. Never mind it's just about the only thing most of us are interested in, in the general day-to-day. Never mind the reality of the situation. Sex didn't pollute or deforest anything. Sex is what it is, and we either love it, or we're liars. Those doggies don't have these ethical conundrums.

Still. What The Man wants does not always get. Lucky for us. Take the lovely Pink here. Here is a Lady who really knows how to use what She's got. Would you look at that. My Goodness that Lady can dance. I'm sure Tango was delighted, for a shot at Round 2 with this Lady. Given the circumstances I'd very much hope we'd all do the same.

Pink takes Tango on an erotic dance through her Garden. A mount, a second mount with a tie. The Lady seems to have learned this dance quite quickly. She is a natural :)
Pink knows what we would like to see. It's why She is there. The Lady is quite happy to be doing something She clearly loves. She loves that we love to see Her doing it.
When you hit your target of concreting over the planet and filling it with boxes of people, what else is there to sell? There's just boxes and people. When the box-space runs out, well. So unless you plan to do something about it, might as well get used to the idea. It isn't like selling people is a new thing. That reminds me, must watch Soylent Green again tonight :)

At the time of writing, many of you are under house arrest. At least you have a home, hopefully. Within those walls you are free to look at all this yummy fun and be who you want to be. My Mother didn't raise no pervert? We can't all be perfect can we.
There's a great bit in this movie, where Pink - having learned the real doggystyle - is encouraging Tango to get up and do Her. She is quite enthusiastic about it. And She does a fantastic job, when he does.
They might think we're all sick perverts, they just haven't caught up yet. We've all got our ugly side. But even the ugliest toad finds a Lady. Perfect is subjective. A horny Tango, arching and lancing a needy red bone into Pink's soft juicy slit seems pretty perfect to me. As does the Lady's decision to learn how to love a dog right. If you think that's perfect I guess you are pretty perfect too.

That doesn't mean we couldn't try to be a bit more perfect sometimes. Just a bit. Or not, up to you. Either way you'd be foolish to not grab this one. Thank you Dachat, Tango and Ms. Pink - everyone else, please enjoy that perfect Pink

Scene: Perfect Pink
Site: ArtOfZoo.Com
Models: Pink
File: mp4
Size: 436 MB
Duration: 00:30:56
Resolution: 1280x720

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
Tigerlily - Hard Dog Life 1

"Hard Dog, Hard Lovin'..."

You'll have to excuse an old man and his memoirs. If you met this Lady on the street you would most likely think she was crazy. Unless dolled up of course, then you might think something else. But, oftentimes she will pop round wearing an old man's tatty flat cap and jacket that She's borrowed off some old tourist dude. She's a bit out there. Her company is compelling, by way of her life story. I will write a book about that one day. Until then, a preface.

In Hindu philosophy, it's said that everyone has their place and purpose in the general Gaia scheme of things. The Universe makes good people, bad people. Infinite variety. In that philosophy, it's recommended to just be yourself - 'dark side' or otherwise - as the Universe designed you to be.

As opposed to being genuinely unpleasant and pretending to be something else. Which of course, we see a lot of these days.

It's a perspective, I will leave such judgments to you. But it's a valid point of view. We do indeed learn by falling. The harder we fall, the bigger the lesson.

Fact is, the TigerLily case file - the Universe has gone to some extraordinary lengths, to pile a fair few life lessons into this little Lady's in-tray. Fucking horror story of a life. We've had some tough times ourselves yes. But no matter what shit happens - compared with this Lady's life, anything else would seem like Disneyland. It puts things in perspective.

Sent to an orphanage as a child - then trafficked. Then got out - then trafficked again. Escaped, then sent to prison - broke out of prison, Shawshank style. When about 8 years old - being bussed between orphanages - leaps off the top of a moving bus to see if landing like a cat is as easy as it looks. Survived of course but landed with a thud. Her daughter was kidnapped and trafficked. Then untrafficked, with a little help from her friends. More recently, Her love cuts his own throat in front of her, with the shards of a broken mirror. Yes, the Universe has really thrown some heavy shit at this Lady.

My favorite TigerLily story is the one where She is scared of lightning. Being the uneducated educated logical white guy, I said don't be scared of lightning Lady it's just loud electricity far away. No Ba. Standing at a bus stop, watching as 2 people got hit by lightning. Full on. Bang - fried, toast. She said they were both twitching, foaming at the mouth, not pretty. Now. We've all heard of people getting hit by lightning and surviving. The odds of actually looking at someone nearby, the moment the lightning strikes - zapped like a bug - those are long odds.

Imagine living in a Universe where the Hand of God is a reality. Bang. No, I'm not scared of the noise Ba I'm scared about being zapped. I stand corrected.

And yet, despite it all, the Lady still smiles and finds happiness. There is a lesson there for all of us, I reckon. Consider some of these things perhaps, next problem you have.

When I met this Lady She was a broken flower. Robbed, raped, beaten, abused at every turn. A splash of pet magic later - now nobody bothers Her. Now a respected Kung Fu troublemaker on Her turf. Discovering Her inner Lady Werewolf, and the power of the Pet Pussy, really did change this Lady's life. You kinda see why the TigerLily takes Her Pet Love so very seriously. Not many drops spilled here. It really is the Red Pill.

Of course, thanks to all you good people who supported Her movies, and wrote nice comments. I read them to the Lady, and they are appreciated. A bit of TLC from friends can make a world of difference. Good work people. Together, we do change the world, even if just a bit.

Just a basic no-frills training movie this one, fuck, knot, suck - reflected in the price. Part 2 is with Dangerous, coming shortly. It's the Hard Dog Life for this Lady, and I expect all Her Pet Sisters around our world are thinking likewise. You go you PetGurlz you, we're behind you all the way. All the way. Us, and those doggies. Enjoy Bullseye enjoying exotic Pet Girl TigerLily, that lucky devil

Site: artofzoo.com
Scene: Hard Dog Life
Models: Tigerlily
File: mp4
Size: 431 MB
Duration: 00:23:41
Resolution: 1280x720

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
Taming Tink - Strict Machine Vol.2


We don't see much of TigerLily during these sessions, just the occasional 'guiding hand' These sessions focus exclusively on Tink and her dog training.

Dog slave training is great. Taking a nice Lady, getting her broken in, shaped, and molded for dog fucking. Tink is settling into her new role very nicely.

When Tink shows up for training, she is always very nicely dressed - clothes, hair and makeup immaculate. Usually smelling of CK One - Tink is quite a feminine little creature. Quite flirtatious too. That perky, bubbly little pet slave is quite hard to resist.

On Strict Machine 1, someone mentioned that, for a K9sM movie, there isn't too much D/s going on. It's a valid point, but I'll remind you that these are slave training sessions. Submission does not always require ropes, chains, or a heavy hand. No, sometimes submission is a matter of heart and mind.

Pocket Petgirl Tink was completely new to dog fucking before we invited her to play with our boys. Getting fucked by a dog? It was all a bit strange for Tink. But bit by bit - session after session, mating after mating - Tink grew accustomed to the feeling of dog cock inside her. She let go of any preconceptions and learned that her sweet little pussy is just the thing to keep those dogs happy - oo yummy.

I'll admit to more than a passing fondness for Tink's vagina. It's a very nice looking, hot, tight, sweet vagina - and all the better when she's still damp with doggy dew. Perfect for bringing those dogs to climax.

Tink has expressed a general affinity with dogs, she has 4 small dogs at home, and grew up around a lot of dogs. Given that, she says she is already part dog.

And so, the next logical step was to go all the way - heart, mind AND body - and start letting those dogs enjoy that hot little button. After all, dogs need to get off too, and she has just the thing to keep them satisfied. So, we can rest assured - even if Tink doesn't do any more sessions with us - that in future, should her dogs, or any other dogs, need that sweet sweet release - that she now knows exactly what to do to satisfy them.

Relatively, Tink's petite bod makes those doggy cocks that much larger. Over and over, Bullseye mounts and Tink takes it quite hard. The red dog cock slices in and out of that coffee-colored flower. Tink wets up nicely, easing the way for the invading rod.

The fat tight knots Bullseye buries inside that Ladybox do their part to break Tink in, and change her inside to better accommodate that special shape. It's great how vaginas change shape that way, clear evidence that a Lady's parts are naturally designed to accept penises of all shapes, sizes, and species.

There's a nice bit, during the run-up to the second penetration. Bullseye is keen to get inside Tink once again, he's humping away as only a horny dog can. TigerLily is having some trouble guiding him into that little vagina.

As he is humping at the slave - his red rocket pistoning away in TigerLily's hand - we see Tink's nice pussy; we see it thrusting hungrily, poking at her mound, slipping and slicing between her labia. Bathing her entire vagina in that dog-cock scent, before slipping inside and injecting his seed. I don't think there's any such thing as 'too much dog cock rubbing up against too much vagina'. That scent of pussy mixed with dog cock / cum, is one of the sweetest scents known to man.

At the end of the movie, there is another nice part where Tink - fully mated, with a fresh load of dog swimmers still flowing up into her - is cuddling up to Bullseye, as if to say 'thanks for teaching me '. Bullseye lays his head across Tink's neck - one of the doggy sign for dominance. You'll see that Tink, snuggled up to her lover, is quite comfortable submitting to Bullseye's dominance. The story of any pet slave is, quite literally, an under-dog story

To reiterate, these are training session videos. Plenty of good old-fashioned dog fucking, humping, and knotting action - just a little raw, production-wise. The ruff-ness is reflected in the price - plus it's Christmas and all.

Tink, and her dog slave sisters from the AoZ Kennel, are just about ready to get into the heavier BDSM dog training. So we will be running a Mogul Project around these Ladies shortly. Keep your eyes peeled for that.

In the meantime, enjoy the ongoing breaking of a dog slave as we get busy with Taming Tink

Scene: Strict Machine Vol.2
Models: Taming Tink
File: mp4
Size: 1150 MB
Duration: 00:23:19
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
Nana - Nana From Heaven


The ancient Bible texts are quite right when they say "every good and perfect gift is from above". This film is the best proof of that. Not only the rain and the sunlight, which make life on earth possible, come from above, but also the heavenly joys that angelic beings bring us into our life on earth. Heaven be blessed for your rich gifts!

Our Nana here is such an angelic being. With her long hair, her mysterious eyes and slender figure, she is truly heaven sent. And appropriately to this celestial origin, she travels through the air to her next date with Tango

Once she has landed, she can hardly wait to snuggle into the soft fur of our male dog and bury her fingers in his neck. She already has the opportunity to do so in the taxi from the airport. Stroking dogs always feels like grabbing a little piece of heaven, doesn't it. The soft fur inspires Nana to let her hand wander under her skirt while in the back seat to compare what feels softer: Tango freshly brushed fur or her freshly shaved vulva. That is almost impossible to decide

Before our angel can indulge in the earthly joys, she still has a mission to fulfill. There are just so many people who have not yet experienced the heavenly message of making love to animals. And so Nana sets out to proclaim and spread the true doctrine of dog love in a shopping mall. Dressed up nicely in a green leather skirt with a white t-shirt she teases us as well as all the by passers by showing off her bare lower body which she has tastefully decorated with the AOZ logo. The lady even pleasures herself with a dildo in front of half the shoppers in the mall. She obviously likes the idea of getting the message across. And some of the other ladies look over at her with great interest. There are your new disciples, Nana. Well done.

After this strenuous but worthwhile day's work, it is time to relax a little in her own four walls and practice the religious art of animal love. Putting on a red royal robe she lets fall of the toil of persuading people to come over to the right side of society. Now it's time for her to spoil herself a bit with a doggy treat.

Pure and truthful, that is how it must be, the heavenly love that Nana wants to bestow on our lover with the four paws. And so that nothing can disturb the sacred connection between her lap and the tool of his love, so that the two bodies can fully feel each other - here her pale, perfectly formed body, there the furry and powerful dog's body - the disturbing clothes must first be removed.

But that too has to be done mindfully and consciously. Because the ritual in honor of love that Nana is about to begin must be celebrated in the right way in order to develop its full satisfying power. And so the angel leaves the leaves before our eyes while her four-legged lover excitedly brushes around her legs. Only when she is completely naked, as God created her (two deer twins among roses and so on), does she climb onto the bed to receive him and to worship the perfect form of love.

There is always something special when a woman surrenders to the love of a dog completely unclothed. No protective clothes that can keep her from scratches of passion. So she wears the marks of union between woman and animal on her body for some time like medals of a secret society. Nana learned this before in Protocol Z. She got a taste for it. And so do we.

She kneels on pure white sheets to give her four-legged companion the best possible access to her pleasure center. And Tango needs only seconds to make her sing in the angels choir as he hammers his cock into her. Her moans sound like a fervently prayer to the God of Knots to give her what she's been longing for all day. The first knotting is short but intense. But who would want to blame the dog for being a bit frank on the first connections. He waited all day for this. Religious relief can be quite overwhelming sometimes.

The second mount takes much longer and is much smoother than the first one. Again his knot slips in quite easily into Nana's experience flower but this time it stays with her for some minute, delivering his share of divine white mana into her womb to seal the holy pact. To proof how much she got, and maybe to brag a little before all those other petlove angels out there Nana arches her back and pushes out quite an amount of the good stuff. Halleluja.

The diet in the heavenly realms must be excellent. You can read about nectar and ambrosia and the like. But then it's a bit monotonous again. Ambrosia every day. Nana might think, it should be a bit of a change. And so she closes her chaste angel lips around the red and pulsating shaft and begins to suck with relish. She keeps her eyes closed while she collects this completely different nectar. That way it tastes more intense. Salty and sweet and exciting. Richly gifted, she shows us the result of her efforts again before she audibly swallows. Fingerlicking good.

After they have build a whole world of lust and love it is now time to rest (and cuddle) just as god did on the seventh day. Such a beautiful picture of Nana's pale and spotless body with a beautiful canine next to her. She caresses her furry friend and gives him a kiss or two to show her appreciation for all his attention. But all this cuddling and kissing and petting makes our couple horny again all too soon. And so another nice but short round of humping and knotting finishes off this wonderful movie.

After all, Nana takes us on a very nice journey to the heavenly pastures of doglove in this movie. Everything you would expect from an AOZ-production and more you will find in here. I would suggest, you get your bitcoins ready ladies and gentleman to make a donation to the church of Nana for everyone needs his or her soul to be saved by the enlightening power of animal love. If you buy this movie, you do it for your own good.

Site: artofzoo.com
Scene: Nana From Heaven
Models: Nana

File: mp4
Size: 1040 MB
Duration: 00:24:22
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014

Russian K9 Venus


Our man Mr. Bond would agree - with those big Russian wolf eyes, and an irresistible smile. Well, irresistible to me anyway - Sabine has those slightly protruding incisors, like a young Patricia Arquette, which give the Lady an even more wolfish vibe. I don't know why, but I find those teeth extremely attractive, just one of my obscure Lady fetishes. How about you?

Sabine is no stranger to erotic Modeling. The Lady may - or may not - be a mainstream performer. As such, she may - or may not - have all those sexy moves to entice us. And She certainly is enticing.

The movie begins with Sabine posing and stripping on some public stairs. We get a first look at this Lady's treasures, She is very easy on the eye. Being - perhaps - a mainstream Model, Sabine is accustomed to some hardcore-ish pleasures. Lately, a few of our more regular Patrons have been requesting more anal petfun. Well, Sabine (maybe) has plenty of experience in this kind of pleasure. After all - after being manhandled by well-hung Gents - dog fucking with a little chap like Tango should be no problem at all for the Lady. Right?

Sabine starts out by prepping 'Door 2' with an inflatable plug. Popping that thing in and out of her tight bum, loosening up for the dog fun to come. She then joins Tango on the couch and shows him that Lady stuff. Sadly I didn't get a good screenshot of it, but watch in the movie as Sabine gives Tango a glimpse of joys to come. He is hypnotized by this Lady, almost to the point of panic, it seems. A look of 'Jesus Christ!'. He seems to be concerned that A. this is possibly a dream, or, B. that maybe the Lady wandered into the wrong room? And that he should apply all possible efforts to seducing this Lady before she realizes her mistake? Or perhaps neither of those - he may just be fully focused and fully driven to do Sabine, and we can't really blame him. Sabine is quite pleased that he is pleased, and flashes him that great smile.

The couple gets to coupling - with some difficulty, but eventually, Tango gets inside Sabine and shows the Lady what dog fucking is all about. There are a few mounts, and in places, Sabine takes it quite hard. Tango is really putting the moves on this Lady. It's important to remember, that most real Pet Girls are drawn to dog love because it's very real, and kinda animalistic. You get scratched. You get poked hard in the wrong place. You're dealing with knots that lock your parts onto a dog. It's important to remember, that pain is the best Teacher. And what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger. Sabine just broke through into dog fucking - the Lady is stronger already

Eventually, Tango buries his knot in Sabine. It's a very tight fit. You can see the look of surprise on the Lady's face, above - it's not quite what She was expecting. Tango swells inside Sabine until she is full of dog cock. Our Hero commences to filling the Lady - squirt after squirt - with that good juice.

Of course, what goes in must come out. In the first scene, Sabine manages to pop Tango's knot out without too much effort. The dog sperm leaks out of the Lady as her lover departs.

Sabine returns for a second scene. This time, completely naked, which should keep you 'completely naked' fans happy Again, Tango takes Sabine's ass - and, again, he plants a good knot in the Lady.

This time, Tango is very excited and showing no signs of subsiding. Ultimately, that knot slips out of Sabine, and it's slightly more than the Lady can handle. Poor Sabine is left yelping and clutching her sore bum, and riding it out. Well, the course of true love never did run entirely smoothly! Sabine works through the minor case of 'knot tweak' in good spirits. Those well-hung Gents, nor inflatable plugs, are a match for pocket champion Tango evidently.

Sabine is a professional, and a little tweak isn't going to put Her off Her dance. To soothe any remaining pangs in her bum, she hops on top of Tango and slides his still-erect dog cock back inside Her. That smooth flesh, and those cool wet squirts of dog seed, easing the discomfort as Sabine slides up and down on his red rocket.

Both scenes end with a kind of oral scene - Sabine licks around Tango's sheath and red tip. I'm thinking that maybe the riding scene cut into the available erectness? Well, whatever the reason, next time, hopefully, we can organize a big fat hard dog cock for the Lady to suck on

It's a nice movie - it's not 100% perfect (but oftentimes you all surprise us with what you like, so you might disagree). One of the reasons we don't make a habit of working with mainstream Ladies is because the mainstream does things one way, and we do them another way. When a Lady is mostly inexperienced in erotic performance, She is a white canvas and it's a lot easier for Her to pick up the subtle tips and tricks we need for our movies.

Anyway, Sabine naturally brought her mainstream experience to a doggy movie - it's nice to see, but it's not an entirely good match. She was having a bit of trouble getting the hang of a doggy mount - the general timing of a doggy movie is different than with guys (hence the suck scene). Not to mention, it's with a doggy. Making a movie with a dog, is a horse of an entirely different colour. I'm not even sure it's a horse. It's like porn - but Stronger.

The very pedantic petfans who notice this kind of stuff will see what I mean. Sabine is a dancer, and of course, would like to show us her dance. With a bit of coaching and a few tweaks, Her dance becomes Our dance - which I think will be quite something to see.

It's not to discredit the Lady at all, Sabine puts in full effort throughout. And of course, handles that little knot-tweak with some style A great looking Lady, 2 anal knots, and quite long. The foreplay/stripping scene at the beginning is very nice, some of you have been asking for more of that.

The good news is, Sabine has contacted us and expressed a definite interest in exploring petlove a bit further. So I very much hope this will not be the last we hear from Sabine. And here's hoping her adventures in petlove so far, have only made Her stronger. Have fun

Site: artofzoo.com
Producer: Sabine
Models: Sabine with Tango
File: mp4
Size: 2100 MB
Duration: 00:42:19
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
Sugar On The Button

Doggy Pushes

All The Right Buttons

You know that song: Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey? Well, this Sugar definitely has a honey with big Doggy Dick Energy and he's allowed to have a go at that sweet sweet pet pussy in AoZ's On the Button.

We start our exploration of Sugar's delectable South American nubile 19 year old body in the first scene, where we see her getting herself excited with a pink dildo and having her own way with her self and her perfect pert boobs.

As she starts rubbing one out and spreading those gorgeous legs for us, we get a close up of her pristine pet pussy and can tell by the ease those fingers and afterwards that transparant pink dildo slip in, that Sugar is ready for some sweet lovin'. Lots of sweet lovin'.

The contrast of that pink jelly like dildo and her light chocolate shaved pussy is mesmerizing. I'm getting a craving writing this. And I'm not the only one, cause hidden in the corner of the shot, suddenly Salavas, a beautiful Rottweiler with matching pink collar, jumps up to the bed.

Despite it being this pairs' first deep dive into movie making, we can definitely tell that both of them know the drill. Sugar knows how to entice Salavas a treat by playing hard to get and only presenting her precious goods for display and a lot of licking, before allowing our furry James Bond to push his Glock in, for that luscious lock we all crave.

Salavas definitely wants to fill that empty yet hungry hole with his doggy meat stick and complement this fusion cooking experiment. Rottweilers are german right? So it'd be like putting a hot dog sausage between a set of buns and topping it with sauerkraut I guess. And well, these buns being South American, know about anacondas. So this anaconda is definitely getting it's buns, from this hun. I forgot where to put the sauerkraut. Who cares about the sauerkraut anyway at this point. Leave the fusion cooking. And look at what's cooking on that bed. It's hot!

Salavas - unlike Jeff Bezos - won't be denied his Astronaughty badge - or is it AstroKnotty badge? - when he hits the outer barrier of space and prepares for lift off. He whispers Sugar all kinds of promises in her ears - things we can only guess at of course, cause who knows what goes on in his doggy mind, now that he's enthralled by that pet pussy. If I were there, I'd probably already have promised Sugar my firstborn and all the student debt she's willing to sign on for.

It's only at this point in the movie that I notice that Sugar seemingly expecting massive loads of doggy love juice has prepared her bed with a huge plastic liner, which finally explains the crackling I heard earlier. It's like she's sitting on a huge candy wrapper. She allows Salavas to keep gettings sniffs and licks in. He's nearly ready to actually penetrate, but his mounting angle isn't at the correct hole yet, so she realigns and keeps his interests piqued.

With a single goal on his mind - earning his AstroKnot Wings - Salavas is ready for take off and starts the count down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 → Boosters engaged, balls filled to the brim, we have lift off. Houston, we haven't got a problem, cause this doggy love rocket is going places. Fast. To explore the depths where no doggy love rocket has ever gone before.

It starts with the tip just visibile, to suddenly going well over 88 MPH, stroking furiously on all cilinders, and we can see Salavas' knot entering Sugar's pristine hole, where only minutes before a see through pink jelly like dildo did some exploratory pokes, now a furious, definitely not see-through massive Rottweiler cock is leaving it's mark. We see massive amounts of pre-cum spraying forth.

Our first forray into Sugar's inner space was a succes. Salavas has equaled Laika's achievement, being the first dog in space, or in this case, Sugar's inner space. And unlike Laika, he does re-enter earth's atmosphere and his doggy dick needs to be caught and reinserted by a helper. Salavas doesn't seems to mind as the helper is proficient and his erection doesn't deflate. As he's depositing his precious cargo, Sugar does her utmost to enjoy that throbbing cock inside her.

As Sugar needed some much needed calories, she decides to suck out the precious doggy love juice instead of letting it go to waste on that crackling bed liner. Salavas is happy his love rocket is getting all this lovin' so he's happy to deposit all that K9 sperm deep into that throat. I do need to make a note that Sugar is a messy eater. There's sperm and saliva dripping all over perhaps that bed liner wasn't such a bad idea anyway. Someone needs to go there and lick that clean. I volunteer as a tribute!

Salavas unfortunately beats me to the punch and is allowed to lick that freshly pollinated pet pussy clean. He is slightly distracted by his erect dick still spewing forth jets and jets of puppy batter in many mid-orgasmic regurgitations. Once you launch a rocket, you can't press a button to engage the brakes. Sugar tries to get Salavas to jump up, but even with the help of the assistant in the room, that dog is not ready for another docking manouver. Or rather a dogging manouver. The flesh is willing, but rockhard still Lady. It needs a minute. We can tell Sugar is a novice as she's expecting her lover to ready to go at a moments notice, but as most of us know, with age also comes refractory periods between erections. Give it time Lady. It'll be ready again in 5 minutes.

Sugar presents her stuff to Salavas and he's happy to give her some much needed release through his tongue as Sugar is still slightly desperate to achieve her own orgasm. Get your furry butt over here and lick my pussy, my boobs, anything, everything. We can see the need in Sugar's eyes and body and Salavas is ready to help himself to those luscious boobs. He tries to chomp down on them lovingly like a puppy and then licks the gates to nirvana. Sugar rubs her nipples in her need to get off finally and says goodbye to Salavas and us.

I don't know what happened next, perhaps we'll find out in their next movie.

Site: artofzoo.com
Scene: Sugar On The Button
Models: Sugar

File: mp4
Size: 1090 MB
Duration: 00:21:58
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
DevoteHündin - Triple Duty

3 is the Magic Number


She did 3 doggy dicks last time in "Take Three", so she's sticking to that number. Three is the divine number and Devote is of course our specialist on all subjects divine. We start with Devote showing us she's a yoga master and the downward dog . we get ample view of her lotus flower waiting to be pollinated. Her signature red, over-knee latex high heels add to the allure and contrast wildly to her green hair.

In the background, we can hear Hudson panting excitedly, as he's very much ready to join in this session for worship, but our head priestess tells our worshipper to hold his horses as she's still preparing for the ritual at hand. Hudson is experienced and knows what to do, there's no oral worship, no lip service, no nothing.

He mounts our goddess of love and worships her petals in the only way that seems apt: thoroughly and furiously. It doesn't take our hero long to find the hole to the underworld and soon he's plunging those depths like a pro. Devote makes sure he keeps at it. "No dismounting for you yet sir." . and soon she starts groaning and making incoherent noises. Hudson is listening intently for what her prophecy will be.

Hudson's knot is firmly stuck and Devote isn't letting go. Hudson pumps her cervix full of his doggy love juice, so Devote won't be in danger of running dry anytime soon, overflowing with his holy oil in copious quantities. The knot enters and we get a very clear and close-up view of this spectacle, to enjoy . thoroughly . Hudson has done the leg-over maneuver and is very content with the prophecy cumming true.

We can see a lot of heavy panting whilst he's being milked for all he's worth. Who could resist those smoldering eyes? Devote can't suppress the moans and that big grin of pleasure and contentedness. We can hear her mumbling encouragement, slightly incoherently, because her language skills suffer from the barrage from her pleasure centers.

Hudson wags his tail, enjoying emptying his balls into this nice female, who's seemingly very much in need of his stud services. Every so often he tests whether she's still capable of entrapping his thick doggy dick much longer and Devote does not relent. She's determined to milk him dry and catch every drop of his precious love juice inside, to make doggy babies.

Seven deeply knotted minutes later, seven being the other holy number besides three, Devote isn't able to contain her waves of ecstasy any longer and we can see her high heels trembling with a leg shaking orgasm. Her mind has imploded, she can only mumble things like "It's so horny!", "Oh yeah!", "Oh fuck!" It's like a prayer or a mantra.

Hudson is released and when he pops out audibly from that by super-slippery cave, we see him leaving a trail of doggy love juice from his massive doggy dong with the huge knot. It swings between his legs like the bell clapper of Big Ben. Devote in the meantime shows us her doggy love juice creampie which is overflowing the secret Cave. She then cleans Hudson's favorite toy with gusto, showing her appreciation of his worship earlier. Her cherry red lips and tongue match the color of Hudson's dong so closely it's hard to tell where the one starts and the other ends.

The story continues. Our high-priestess has just finished with her first doggy member of royalty, who came for her prophecies, only to find her cave assaulted by Gunter, who seeks favor from Apollo and his prophet. Devote shows no compunction or fussiness and serves all those that come before her. Or cum inside her to be more precise.

She changes into her black latex over knee boots, assumes the position of proper worship, and allows Gunter to explore her cave of love. He is definitely determined to ram his K9 cock into the holiest of holy and has to reacquire his target a couple of times as he's kinda eager. But as they say: perseverance is key and that key worked its magic in Devote's lock once more.

Soon again she's moaning her prayer to the gods of love, wanton sex, or any gods, willing to accept her prayer. Just as long as she can orgasm on that massive knot. Gunter is giving it his all, humping Devote's rump, legs, licking, trying to stick that dog cock in that hole. He knows the hole is there. The priestess is willing. Why won't it work?

It's so infuriating! Devote isn't complaining, cause all this humping, rocking, and licking is turning her on to high heaven, despite the cave not being penetrated. It is definitely being assaulted in the nicest way possible. The mistress of the holy grotto changes tack and tries to entice Gunter to some play, getting him all riled up. Gunter reciprocates and mounts like a pro, but gets overexcited and mounts the wrong end.

It's not like Devote isn't interested in having her throat fucked but, it's not what she was going for. So she tries again and we can hear her being penetrated, we even get a short glimpse of his red rocket exiting the cave. With the help of a reed box doubling as an altar, we finally get to where we needed to be: Elysium.

He's inside and is treated by Devote by a raucous blowjob to reward him for all the earnest effort he's put in. Who needs a pet-pussy, when that mouth of Devote can deliver this type of pleasure. Devote herself can't contain her pleasure and starts rubbing and pinching her ample breasts and nipples, sliding that hand further down to rub her pussy to a frothing climax.

Devote changes her attire once more to a spiffy black see-through mesh netting and latex ensemble. Shadow admires her priestly attire or more likely is wondering what he'll have to do for her to take it all off. As Devote bends over, whilst standing up, Shadow proves to her he's a BIG BOY ™ and isn't hindered by her standing on her legs. The prospect makes Devote slightly weak in her knees and she decides to pull away the coverings to her crotch, to allow Shadow a glimpse of the inner sanctum.

And that's all the encouragement this champion needs. A single goal forms in his mind: "I must impregnate this nice lady and make many puppies as she seems to be in heat".

Forget worship. Forget temples. Forget prophecies. It's all about carnal desires. Some might say "The flesh is weak" - those people haven't seen a Beauceron giving it his all to the Lady he loves and cherishes. I mean. Oh My God erm .. Oh my Dog . if you ever thought about being ravaged by a K9 with no way of escaping, this is what that looks like.

Just for the record: Devote doesn't exactly behave like she's feeling a pressing urge to escape . it turns out her panties are actually split open at the crotch and she obligingly opens the access for Shadow to have his way with her, which he does. And when he's in Devote can't help voicing her surprise, again calling on God, cause despite not being knotted by Shadow yet . the girth . was a pleasant surprise. Shadow is managing to stretch Devote's believes and insides to new dimensions. Did I mention the girth? I did, didn't I? I'm sorry, I just have to mention it again.

You can see it, assaulting that cave, swinging between his legs. And that's without him having knotted her yet. Shadow cleans up some of the dribblings on the end he's currently most interested in and considers the prophecy. What was it again: Return ye shall not. Cum shall you! He climbs the holy mountain again and assaults the sanctuary with all his girthy might, not taking any prisoners in the process. Shadow stabs our priestess in just the right spot and makes her sing out to the moon as if she's a she-wolf in the throes of passion and ecstasy.

Our Priestess opens the access to her cave willingly, spreading her legs wide, so Shadow can provide her with some lip service with that mighty tongue of his. It's hot, sticky, and dripping wet. His tongue .. and her cave. I'm not sure why I'm even pointing this out. I mean . they're both in danger of dehydration if they keep at it like this. Shadow manages to make Devote cum, right on his tongue, from just his fierce licking. The involuntary bucking of her hips betrays a sense of pleasure running through her spine that no amount of muscle control can hide for piety's sake. She's forlorn. She's his. And he's hers.

As Devote furiously rubs that soaking wet pussy of her, Shadow is very eager to help out and licks it and kisses her face. He mounts her once more and then quickly checks his progress. Devote lies on her back, legs wide open for our convenience, and treats her lover to some loving smooches, showing her devotion. One outfit change to a wide-open holy mess of lingerie later, we return to the highlight of this video, where we'll be allowed an overhead view of the assault on the temple of Apollo. Before we get there, the high-priestess kneels at her wicker altar, covered with a cloth, and allows our attacker ample access to her behind.

..No need to be gentle by the way. I've been readying my body and my soul for this very moment all my life." Shadow checks for the proper levels of lubrication and adds his own drool to help things along. The shot from underneath shows it all and the obvious excitement of Devote when that happens. Our bottom camera lens catches a lot of drips .. we're not sure if it's lubrication from Devote or Shadow's drool. He mounts her again, penetrates, and checks his results.

Devote in the meantime is losing her mind and spreads her pussylips wide open. She can't help wiggling her legs and bucking her hips, hoping that the penetration will ensue. She rubs her clit furiously as she's sooo close. We're treated on a topside shot of and bottom side shot of that penetration, where we can see the shaft having been inside and leaking out copious amounts of his K9 sperm out of Devote's holiest of holies. And there the story ends . or does it now .. perhaps our Priestess will have a multi-sire litter in 9 weeks with green hair on the top of their heads <3

Site: ArtOfZoo.com
Models: DevoteHündin
File: mp4
Size: 2270 MB
Duration: 00:45:38
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
Tigerlily - Hard Dog Life 2

TigerLily Feels the Big Dick Energy


so that our boys can get some much-needed practice. I don't think they need TOO much practice, I guess dog sex is like riding a bike. You climb on, ride like hell, and hope you don't fall off. Still, practice makes perfect.

Dangerous, the new doggy on the block, definitely needed a bit of schooling. He's young, full of seed, and ready to breed. Always ready, always keen. Schnauzers are working dogs, and like most working dogs, they take their work very seriously. Whatever that work might be. In Dangerous's case, his job is quite a nice one - loving the Ladies.

He loves his job - he's watched Uncle Bullseye performing, with much interest. He's got the hang of it now - how those Ladies 'work', and how to play with 'em. Not a Lady passes through this house without getting grabbed, and humped. Even Ladies passing by the house, are getting random snoutings from this horny doggy. We'll need to work on his social skills a bit - but he is certainly keen. And very fond of those Lady bits.

The Asian Ladies are generally quite petite. This small-ness of course extends to their petite Asian flowers. Asian Ladies are not really built for the big cock. Not without a bit of practice.

Any Lady with experience will tell you, that as alluring as the big cock is, it's not without its problems. Often, it won't all fit inside. What's the point of a big cock then, since half a big cock, is much the same size as any other cock? It's why many Ladies prefer greater thickness, over a greater length. That 'greater thickness' naturally extends to an interest in the doggy knot.

That's all relevant to man-cock - if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. No biggie. A dog cock though? That's a cock of a different color. The dog cock MAKES itself fit - going in small, locking itself inside, then swelling, and swelling, to full size. This can make a few problems, for the smaller Lady. If she can't get the knot out, then her vagina is a prisoner of the dog cock, for the duration. The dog is going to fill that pussy, in a way that the Lady may never have been filled before. Doggy wants this of course - a locked-up vagina, full to capacity with dog cock, makes it very easy for him to squeeze his sperm up into the Lady's womb.

For the Lady though? Being that full of dog cock, can pinch a bit. We've had Ladies yelp, and squeal. Nothing, mind, that put ANY of those Ladies off coming back to try again Still, a Lady needs to be strong and focused, to take those bigger dog cocks. And - as you see around the site - many Ladies do, all the time, without any problems at all.

Dangerous is a BIG dog. Bigger than I expected - and he's getting bigger. Most of our Asian Ladies, take one look at his big cock hanging there and take a raincheck. It's not ideal, but we are working on it. TigerLily, our most experienced of Asian Pet Ladies, had to take him in her bum a few times, to see if she could handle him. Even that was a tight squeeze. After a few tries, the Lady plucked up the courage to take him into her vagina. She has some backbone that Lady - and with Dangerous' big wang buried inside her - it probably feels like she has 2 backbones.

After that intense knotting, the Lady needs to compose herself for a few moments. Not wishing to leave a doggy dangling, she does some gentle footplay with the still-swollen cock, and lets Dangerous shoot his juice all over her feet. The foot fans might like that bit Then to finish off, she takes that cock in her mouth and sucks Dangerous to completion. And if there is 1 thing TigerLily knows, it's how to suck a cock.

It's a short no-frills training movie, a BIG dog, a petite Asian Lady, and some very hard knotting. Great closeups of the action, and Dangerous' big knot really giving TigerLily's flower a stiff workout. My goodness, that's a tight squeeze. The Lady takes that doggy like a pro, though.

If you like petite Asian Ladies, knotting with great BIG dog cocks, you'll enjoy this second part of TigerLily's (great big) Hard Dog Life. Have fun

Scene: Hard Dog Life 2
Models: Tigerlily
File: mp4
Size: 968 MB
Duration: 00:19:05
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
Duna - Mama Luba



.from a short break - and gets back to rocking those Russian Pet Ladys' worlds. This episode, with some new friends. Introducing the lovely Duna, experiencing her first time with a dog.

Duna is quite striking, with quartz eyes and the biggest smile this side of the Volga. Dolled up in lingerie and pawprints, and eager for that first time.

Now, considering how yummy all these Russian beauties are, the layperson might imagine that these Ladies are only interested in the money. And it's true, Ladies from that corner of the world can be a touch on the practical side. Well, Russia can be a cold, hard place, so it's no surprise.

Still, Russian Ladies are still Ladies. They have all the right Lady parts, in all the right places - they also have all the same Lady urges and Lady instincts.

I'd remind readers, that if a Lady isn't into sex with dogs, then no amount of money will result in a great performance. We got into this biz by showcasing REAL Pet Ladies - Ladies with a taste for dog love. And re. that arena - lovely svelte Duna fits right in. Duna is REALLY hot for dogs - and the Lady can't hide it. Her pussy is dripping wet from the get-go, and that's just from being in the same room with a dog.

It's not always easy - but it's great when we manage to give a Lady the experience she so desires. Duna is so enthusiastic about dogsex, that she even wrote her own synopsis! So I will hand you over to the Lady, and let her tell you about it in her own words.

"So it all started from porn, my husband and I enjoyed watching animal porn and having sex after this. But, as you already understood, we wanted to bring it to life.

I didn't thought, that my first sex would happen on camera, and was a little worried, but my desire was stronger than fear. Most of all I wanted to feel the dog's cock in me when I was connected with him, it excited me insanely, and the fact that I do this, just fact that I was being fucked by a dog, turned me on and I got wet. And knowing that my beloved husband would look at this, I was even more excited.

But not everything turned out to be so simple. When I met the dog, he immediately realized that he would fuck me and was very excited he just needed to fuck me at that moment. And I had no experience and did not know how to do it all.

After we got guidance from the professionals, we started. After playing a little with the dog, I got into a sex position, and he pounced on me and began to scratch my back and sides with his paws. And it was not very pleasant, since I do not like pain. He entered me and began to fuck me, and then, although it hurt me a little, I was glad that his penis was cumming inside me. And here is his cock in me, it happened. I didn't hold the knot for a long, but I liked it.

I felt the warmth of his cock and the pressure of hot cum and it was cool! The second time we put shoes on our dog's paws, and the second time he fucked me even better, his penis entered me even deeper and my pussy accepted it with joy.

The most thrill is his hot sperm, he came into me a lot and when I let him go, the sperm flowed out of me. I sucked his cock with joy. I realized that when I caress the tip of his penis with my tongue, the dog feels good and he starts squirting more And in the end, I can say that I will continue such experiments, it was cool!!!! In the future, we will get ourselves a dog, which we will accept into our family, which we will love and enjoy pleasant moments!"

It seems Tango got Duna hooked on doggy - marvelous! Here's hoping we see more of Duna as she continues deeper on her dog journey. Enjoy the Lady's first time - it's a peach

Scene: Mama Luba
Models: Duna
File: mp4
Size: 2150 MB
Duration: 00:30:22
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
Donna - Deach Bitch

The Salty Taste of Love

It was the Summer of Love, no no, not the one in the 60's, I mean the one in the 20's, just after the pandemic. Anywho, it was the Summer of Love and our Delectable Donna felt like letting her hair down and Simba felt like blowing off some steam. Or other stuff. In any case blowing was involved.

We find Donna alone at a beach and Simba and his handler saw Donna parading herself around the waterline, strutting her stuff. Simba whined quietly when he saw this luscious woman and could barely contain his excitement as he got nearer and got a better whiff of whatever was emanating from between her legs. Simba was sure this bitch was in heat. His boss had said: ,,We're going to the beach today". He must have meant: ,,We're going to the bitch today."

Simba pretends to be well behaved, remembering all the rules about not licking in the face â?? or other places â?? or jumping up â?? or on top â?? but this girl, she seems to not realize what effect she's having on Simba's body and mind, with her bending over and providing ample views at her boobs, perfect shapely butt and that pet-pussy she's hiding in that red bikini-bottom.

Donna secretly cops a feel of Simba's massive soft and fuzzy balls, whilst pretending to only be petting him and when she gets no obvious reluctance or downright refusal, she simply unclasps her bikini top and lets Simba motorboat those wonderful boobies of her. We're on the beach. Motorboating seems the appropriate thing to do. It's maritime, right?

Simba's handler, Mr. X then shows Simba how the trick is done, whips out his cock and lets Donna give him a blowjob. Simba studies the action carefully, throwing in an errant lick once in a while, to speed things up. He wants his jollies too and the faster Mr. X finishes, the sooner Simba can get his go at that amazing pet pussy.

Simba keeps a very close eye on what's going on whilst Mr. X primes Donna's pet pussy and is fortunately allowed to taste her readiness. Donna in the meantime is having trouble deciding what she likes better, the human cock thrusting in her or that wide hot slippery tongue.

In the end the tongue wins and Donna opens her legs wide, we get a marvelous upclose and personal view of what's between those legs and can see Simba licking that pet pussy with gusto. There's no icecream on this beach and the water is salty, so a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do, to keep hydrated.

Scene: Deach Bitch
Models: Donna
File: mp4
Size: 2680 MB
Duration: 00:53:26
Resolution: 1920x1080

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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014
Dina - Sub Ways


.get kinda chilly around this time of year. The Russian folks combat the cold by wearing fur. But this is Russia. As you know, sometimes - and increasingly often - 'In Mother Russia, the fur wears you'. And that is exactly what Dina has in mind today.

Dina is submissive, so there's a taste of domination to this movie. DaChat is perplexed that Dina's pussy has never been enjoyed by a dog. A firm pussy spanking is in order, punishment for this heinous oversight. Naturally, Tango is at hand to get Dina's pussy back on track.

Appropriate discipline applied, Dina's pussy is wet and ready for her first dog. Tango is ready to ride the sub way, and quickly buries his red bone in that sweet pink pussy. Dina takes a hard mount and a big knot as wonderfully as her other Russian sisters. 2 ties in fact.

Dina finishes Tango off with a deep dog suck, whilst wearing her doggy lovescratches with pride. A reminder to all, that as fluffy and cuddly as hounds are, they are wild animals at heart and you're occasionally going to get scratched.

There's no particularly gallant way of saying the following, so I'm just gonna out and say it. Dina is a touch on the masculine side. She is very slim and flat-chested, and from certain angles, you may be forgiven for thinking that Dina is perhaps not a Lady at all.

Have no fear, one look at that nice perfectly formed vagina will convince you that the Lady is indeed 100% Lady - if not a touch androgynous. Well, there's somebody for everybody. Tango doesn't mind, as far as he is concerned good Pet Pussy is good Pet Pussy, and a joy forever. Still, I thought I'd better mention it, you'll give me a hard time if I don't

It's a nice movie with a ruff edge - DaChat, Dina and Tango all do a great job, and another Lady successfully mated. When does it end? When the job is done, that's when.

Enjoy Tango enjoying Dina, and those sub ways

Site: ArtOfZoo.com
Models: Dina
Scene: Sub Ways
File: mp4
Size: 1060 MB
Duration: 00:36:36
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2014

.Tango has all the luck. That screen where Duna flashes her smooth button says it all. They say dogs don't actually show emotion, we just interpret it that way. Well, what the fuck do they know.

As you will recall from Duna's first dog porn movie 'Mama Luba', the Lady has just started getting into dog sports after wanting to for some time. Duna is an intelligent professional Lady in her other life - the doggy sideline is one motivated by real passion for pets, and that's always great to see. Duna even adds a splash of dialogue.

Speaking of splashes, consumate pro Tango does the Lady right. Duna can't wait to suck on that nice dog cock again - for a small guy, Tango sure has one fat cock.

This movie was shot, in a slight hurry, as the previous shoot was wrapping up. We asked DaChat and Duna if they could do anything with a Halloween flavour. Reliable as ever, a Halloween costume was procured, and the team squeezed in another shoot. It's not quite as slick as Dachat's usual productions, due to the rush, hence the price. Still a sweet little movie, and a Lady can't have too much dog fun. Happy Halloween humping

Site: ArtOfZoo.com
Models: Duna
Scene: BitchCraft
File: mp4
Size: 1940 MB
Duration: 00:27:29
Resolution: 1920x1080

Beast Sex Scenes 2019-2020
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