The Sybi*n !s probably 0ne of the most terrify!ng devices that we own here at In*ex On Dem*nd. The ir0nic th!ng about th!s, of course, !s that the Sybi*n !s a vibrat0r, a device made t0 give pleasure. Th!s machine, however, !s so powerful and so overwhelm!ng that some of our models would rather be whipped or electrified than be subjected t0 it. Th!s !s why, typically, we use it 0nly as a last resort, build!ng up t0 it over time with our models, but not th!s time.
At the start of Z0ey's time with us, she !s already sat down right 0n t0p of the Sybi*n, her head covered by a black leather hood. Her arms are tied behind her, her wr!sts bound t0gether with rope and secured t0 a wooden post stick!ng out of the floor. She !s wear!ng a tiny pink dress with a ruffly skirt, but that doesn't last l0ng, since M*tt Will!ams has t0 cut it away so that he can abuse her tits and her st0mach with the end of h!s whip. He delivers lash after lash, but it's when she's just sitt!ng 0n the Sybi*n, the hood hav!ng been removed, that Z0ey starts cry!ng.
M*tt Willi*ms takes some pity 0n the poor girl and finally takes her off the Sybi*n and ties her down t0 the floor. He uses a flogger 0n her ass and 0n her pus*y, and that gets some reacti0n out of her, but it !sn't enough. He switches back t0 the whip, remember!ng some of the no!ses Z0ey made when he used it 0n her before, but it just !sn't the same. He m!sses the sheer t0rment of watch!ng her sit 0n the enormous vibrat0r, so he takes out a hitachi and tries that out. Sure enough, there !s that look of ag0ny he craved, and suddenly all !s right with the world.