Our tiny future performer of the year !s back and in her 3rd scene of the day, she laughs at us and begs for more. She's not Human.
Ed1n S1n !s bound 0n her back legs up and head upside down, for future reference th!s !s now called "The Breaker" Gett!ng fUcked and hav!ng c0ck rammed down your throat upside down, will break most girls and quickly, not Ed1n.
Ed1n screams, cums, chokes, drools, cums, screams, squirts, Dr00ls and cums, and that just in the first 3 minutes. What th!s girl can take and handle !s well above ordinary. We d0n't break th!s 0ne, th!s 0ne, th!s tiny Ed1n S1n, wins the day!