90 minutes of extreme anal dominati0n and nasty cum play with a petite, subm!ssive, little 21 year-old. Dr. Merc*es and 0rderly, a a sad!stic master with a mammoth c0ck, take turns train!ng th!s girl. She wants t0 be a kitten, but first she has t0 be their dog, pig, and worm. They make her play over and over with 30 loads of frozen cum (Dr. Merc*es' real cum!), includ!ng pour!ng it int0 her eyes and hav!ng her snort it. They hang her from the ceil!ng, savagely plow her ass, do t0ns of ass t0 mouth, face fUck and gag her, pun!sh her with slaps, can!ng, and paddl!ng, make her eat their asses, and 0n and 0n. No 0ne else makes videos like th!s. It's the real deal. And she will be!ng back for more!